Designated areas are identified with EH&S signage
Waste materials are collected in a designated satellite accumulation area identified with EH&S signage. Hazardous waste satellite accumulation areas (SAA) are located at or near the point of generation (in the same room or suite of connected rooms where the waste is generated).
- Waste containers are appropriately labeled (no abbreviations, formulas, or shorthand) with contents and hazardous characteristics.
- All liquid hazardous waste containers are used and stored in an appropriate, chemically compatible, leak-proof secondary containment.
- If empty chemical containers are used to collect hazardous waste, the waste must be compatible with the original contents. (Do not collect solvents in an empty nitric acid bottle.) Remove or mark out the original container label before use.
- Funnels are removed and waste containers are closed immediately after adding new material. Waste containers must be closed except when in use.
- Hazardous waste tags are affixed immediately when starting a new waste container.