Information specific to your workspace

Expand the items below to learn more about completing safety surveys in specific laboratories and workplaces. You can also find our survey checklists and criteria documents at the bottom of this page.

Inspection frequency

EH&S staff performs surveys annually and provides assistance to help protect workers from accidents and illnesses or prevent environmental damage.

Survey results

Safety survey reports are generated by Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) staff and disseminated to the Principal Investigator(s) responsible for the laboratory space(s). These reports detail safety issues identified and necessary corrective actions, which should be completed in a timely manner, typically two to six weeks, depending on the hazard level. Unaddressed safety issues will be referred to the associated department chair/center director and then to the Office of the Vice President for Research. Representatives from the Office of General Counsel, Office of the Vice President and Provost, Office of the Vice President for Research, and/or Environmental Health and Safety will periodically review outstanding safety issues in campus laboratories and direct appropriate corrections. 

Internal laboratory safety inspections

Laboratory workers are required to perform internal laboratory safety inspections annually (at minimum). Use the appropriate safety survey form. Each laboratory or department must maintain documentation of completed inspections for three years. The General Lab Safety Inspection Checklist (PDF) applies to laboratories without biological, radiological, or laboratory animal work. This document is a self-survey checklist for laboratory personnel to complete periodically.

Inspection frequency

EH&S staff performs surveys annually and provides assistance to help protect workers from accidents and illnesses or prevent environmental damage.

Survey results

Safety survey reports are generated by Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) staff and disseminated to the Principal Investigator(s) responsible for the laboratory space(s). These reports detail safety issues identified and necessary corrective actions, which should be completed in a timely manner, typically two to six weeks, depending on the hazard level. Unaddressed safety issues will be referred to the associated department chair/center director and then to the Office of the Vice President for Research. Representatives from the Office of General Counsel, Office of the Vice President and Provost, Office of the Vice President for Research, and/or Environmental Health and Safety will periodically review outstanding safety issues in campus laboratories and direct appropriate corrections. 

Internal laboratory safety inspections

Laboratory personnel should complete a laboratory safety survey annually to help ensure that good laboratory safety practices are used. Use the Laboratory Biosafety Level Criteria below, taken from the current edition of the BMBL, to evaluate whether the facility meets requirements for the organisms and/or toxins used there.

Specific forms for biological research

The survey checklist forms below list the criteria for working with infectious agents (from the current edition of BMBL) and recombinant or synthetic nucleic acid molecules (from the NIH guidelines). Use the following forms in areas where biological teaching or research is conducted:

  • Animal Biosafety Level 1 (PDF) - work with animals infected with well-characterized agents not known to cause disease in immunocompetent adult humans and present minimal potential hazard to personnel and the environment.
  • Animal Biosafety Level 2 (PDF) - work with animals infected with agents associated with human disease and pose moderate hazards to personnel and the environment.
  • Biosafety Level 1 (PDF) - laboratory work involves well-characterized agents not known to consistently cause disease in immunocompetent adult humans and presents minimal potential hazard to laboratory personnel and the environment.
  • Biosafety Level 2 (PDF) - laboratory work involves agents that pose moderate hazards to personnel and the environment.
  • Biosafety Level 1P (PDF) - work in a greenhouse that conducts experiments involving recombinant or synthetic nucleic acid molecules-containing plants, plant-associated microorganisms, and small animals.

Additional criteria for general laboratory safe work practices that apply to all laboratories at ISU are covered in the Laboratory Safety Manual (PDF).


EH&S has a Greenhouse Safety Survey program in place to assist in identifying unsafe conditions and areas of improvement to protect workers and the environment. EH&S will coordinate with greenhouse users and managers to schedule surveys. Greenhouse managers and PIs will be responsible for implementing corrective actions to deficiencies noted during surveys. In addition to EH&S surveys, greenhouse managers and PIs must conduct and document their own greenhouse safety surveys annually. The Greenhouse Safety Survey Checklist (PDF)  is a self-survey checklist for greenhouse personnel to complete periodically.

EH&S will audit the laser authorization annually. This process will include a laser hazard assessment. A copy of the Laser Inspection Criteria Form (PDF) is available for your use.

To ensure that safety rules are observed and that RAM has been adequately controlled and used, EH&S staff conducts periodic surveys and audits of radiation laboratories. General safety surveys (PDF) will also be completed during these audits.

Radioactive material laboratory audits

Audit frequency

Radionuclide laboratory audits are performed at least annually.

Audit process

During each audit, an EH&S staff member will come to the lab and meet with a representative from the research group. The radionuclide inventory, authorization, RAM processes, training records, and contamination survey records are reviewed, and worker performance is evaluated. Review the Radioactive Materials Inspection Criteria (PDF) for more information on the audit criteria.

Audit results

Concerns identified during the audit will be discussed with the group representative and shared in a report with the laboratory supervisor or PI, who is responsible for making corrections. In some cases, EH&S staff may revisit the laboratory to verify that appropriate corrections have been completed.

Radioactive material laboratory surveys

Survey frequency

EH&S completes compliance surveys in active research spaces at least quarterly, and support spaces are surveyed at least annually.

Survey process

During each survey, both external radiation levels and surface contamination levels are monitored. Learn more about contamination monitoring and surveying in your laboratory.

Survey results

Concerns identified by EH&S during the survey are discussed with the group representative and shared with the laboratory supervisor or PI, who is responsible for making corrections. EH&S is available to assist with completing the corrections.

The Shop Safety Survey Checklist (PDF) is for areas where shop tools and equipment are used. This document is a self-survey checklist for shop personnel to complete periodically. Consult the Shop Safety Manual (PDF) for further information on the criteria listed.

The X-ray Inspection Criteria (PDF) are used for areas posted and approved for X-ray or radiation-producing device use. Visit the Radiation-producing Devices page to learn more about safely using this equipment.


Laboratory Safety Database

You can check the EH&S Safety Survey Progress Report by logging in to the EH&S Laboratory Safety Database (LSD) application. 

Browse our safety survey checklists and criteria

13 Documents

  • Animal Biosafety Level 1 Survey Checklist
    This checklist is for work with animals infected with well-characterized agents not known to cause disease in immunocompetent adult humans and present minimal potential hazards to personnel and the environment.
  • Animal Biosafety Level 2 Survey Checklist
    This document is for work with animals infected with agents associated with human disease and pose moderate hazards to personnel and the environment.
  • Biosafety Level 1 Survey Checklist
    This checklist is for laboratory work that involves well-characterized agents not known to consistently cause disease in immunocompetent adult humans and presents minimal potential hazards to laboratory personnel and the environment.
  • Biosafety Level 1P Inspection Criteria
    This criteria is for work in a greenhouse that conducts experiments involving recombinant or synthetic nucleic acid molecules-containing plants, plant-associated microorganisms, and small animals.
  • Biosafety Level 2 Survey Checklist
    This checklist is for laboratory work that involves agents that pose moderate hazards to personnel and the environment.
  • Building Safety Survey Form
    This document is used to complete a building safety survey.
  • General Laboratory Safety Survey Checklist
    This checklist applies to laboratories without biological, radiological, or laboratory animal work. This document is a self-survey checklist for laboratory personnel to complete periodically.
  • Greenhouse Safety Survey Checklist
    This document is a self-survey checklist for greenhouse personnel to complete periodically.
  • Laser Inspection Criteria Form
    This document contains the criteria for which laser devices, authorization, processes, and training records are reviewed and evaluated for worker performance during laser audits.
  • Radioactive Materials Inspection Criteria
    This document contains the criteria for which radionuclide inventory, authorization, RAM processes, training records, and contamination survey records are reviewed and evaluated for worker performance during radioactive material laboratory audits.
  • Sealed Sources Inspection Criteria
    These criteria are used for areas posted and approved for radioactive sealed sources.
  • Shop Safety Survey Checklist
    This checklist is for areas where shop tools and equipment are used. This document is a self-survey checklist for shop personnel to complete periodically.
  • X-ray Inspection Criteria
    These criteria are used for areas posted and approved for X-ray or radiation-producing device use.