Radioactive materials authorization
Before working with radioactive materials or radiation-producing devices, you must submit a Worker Application, complete the required training, and be placed on the PI authorization.
Radiation surveys of all analytical X-ray systems to show compliance with the radiation levels established during certain times.
Information about sources of radiation that are around us all the time, including radon, a naturally occurring, radioactive gas that originates from uranium and radium in soil.
Laboratory surveys must be completed and documented after each use of radioactive material before leaving the area.
Learn about safety requirements for using laser devices, including the laser authorization approval process and laser hazard assessment.
EH&S offers multi-point radiation meter and single-point electronic radiation dosimeters calibration to non-ISU clients.
RAM is any material containing unstable atoms that emit ionizing radiation as it decays. This information applies to all persons using open-form source material, sealed sources, or equipment containing sources.
A declaration of pregnancy must be made to the RSO in writing and can be made at any time during the pregnancy.
Our radiation safety program maintains all personnel radiation exposures below regulatory limits and as low as reasonably achievable.
Learn about the requirements for the use of use of X-ray-producing equipment on the Iowa State University campus.