How to become authorized

  1. Complete the Application for Use of Sealed Sources or Nuclear Gauges (PDF)  with the information detailed in the Sealed Source Safety Manual (PDF).
  2. Require each laboratory member who is to be listed on the Sealed Source Use Authorization complete the following radiation safety courses:
  3. Require each laboratory member who is to be listed on the Sealed Source Use Authorization complete the Sealed Source Worker Application.
  4. Forward the Application for Use of Sealed Sources or Nuclear Gauges and Sealed Source Worker Applications via Campus Mail to EH&S, 2408 Wanda Daley Drive / 3602.
  5. The documents will be reviewed by the Radiation Safety Officer and forwarded to the The Radiation Safety Committee for approval. Once the application is approved, you will receive a copy of your Sealed Source Use Authorization.
  6. Review the Sealed Source Use Authorization  concerning your application's approval (note the conditions for use and possession limits).
  7. Review Responsibilities of the Principal Investigator section of the Radioactive Materials Safety Manual (PDF).
  8. Contact EH&S to arrange for the set-up of your laboratory for radionuclide use.
  9. Review waste handling procedures, laboratory rules, and other operational information within the Radioactive Materials Safety Manual (PDF).
  10. Meet with EH&S staff personnel during the laboratory set-up to discuss any questions you may have regarding operational matters.
  11. Review the procedure for ordering radioactive material and follow it carefully during ordering.