Chemical Hazard Factsheets
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- Carcinogens, Reproductive Toxins, and Teratogens List
The materials on this list pose a significant risk of exposure or damage to the human body and require special procedures to be developed for their safe use. - Compressed Gas Cylinder Safety
Safety guidelines for compressed gas cylinders. - Cryogenic Liquids Safety Poster
Information on cryogenic liquids and their safe use. - Ethidium Bromide Factsheet
This document provides an overview of ethidium bromide and its safe use. - Ethidium Bromide Handout
Information related to safety practices, emergency exposure procedures, and disposal procedures. - Formaldehyde (CH2O) Factsheet
This document provides an overview on formaldehyde and its safe use. - Handling Air-sensitive reagents
Technical bulletin from Sigma-Aldrich. - Handling Pyrophoric Reagents
Technical bulletin from Sigma-Aldrich. - Hydrofluoric Acid Factsheet
This document provides an overview on hydrofluoric acid and its safe use. - Nitric Acid (HNO3) Factsheet
Information about nitric acid and its safe use. - Perchloric Acid Factsheet
- Phenol Factsheet
Hazards, protective measures, and first aid information for phenol. - Potentially Explosive Chemicals (PECs)
Guidelines for the safe storage and handling of potentially explosive chemicals. - Vacuum Pump Safety Poster